
The Avenger


The faces of the caracters you won't forget

quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009


My fever is just too stubborn it just doesn't want to give me a shot, it doesn't want to leave...¬¬
But.....leaving the bad news aside(yeah I'm cold, I have this odd throatache that makes me feel like my throat is dry and also hurts and last but not the least my nose looks like an fountain [eww I know]¬¬')well, as I was saying.....Leaving the bad news aside(oh yeah I almost forgot....My DSi is broken >.The new episodes of november are coming^^I'm so excited that I can even forget the bad things that are happening(just forget that they're happening but I can't stop feeling the ache either the sorrow for my DSi)
But the upcoming episodes will make me feel better...of course because they are the episodes of the fight of Sasuke vs. Itachi!!!
That's it!
Ann Uchiha^^

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