
The Avenger


The faces of the caracters you won't forget

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Episdoe 154

As you would imagine,
This episode was all about Pani's attack....
The next one ( I think) will be the one tht Naruto appears and fights as:

-Sage Naruto

-6 tailed Naruto

.....Yep tht's it...
Oh and the new episode of the annoying orange was great!!!!

Ann Uchiha

segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010

Long time no see!

It's been a while huh?
Well I'mhere to talk about the last released episodes of Naruto always of course.....just teasing u ^.^
139-141 Madara tells Sasuke all the truth about the Uchihas and Konoha.
142-143 Sasuke and Team Taka fight Hachibi(freackin' awesome)
144-151 filler about some prohibeted jutsu and the six tails
152-154 sad news: Naruto gets to know tht Jiraya is dead. TAT
155-156 Naruto is trainig the Senjutsu w/ the toads......Sasuke appears on 156^^

Tht's it
Oyasumi Nasai
Ann Uchiha

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